Nov 24, 2017 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, It’s all go here this morning! Music exams in the Church, a graduation ceremony for MPI in the Hall later this morning…. piano music and singing floating up the stairwell… and more to follow. Our temp Office Administrator has had a fast...
Nov 17, 2017 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, I’m back from 10 days down south where the weather varied from snow to 600m (at which level we were staying!) to beautifully warm spring days. Sounds like New Zealand weather! Thanks to all who picked up extras in my absence. Exciting times in...
Nov 10, 2017 | Weekly e-news
What a wonderful turn out we had for the Annual General Meeting last Sunday with 64 people in attendance and 10 apologies. To me it is the sign of a vibrant community. I want here to pay tribute to Susan Jones, our Minister, for the role she has in leading us...
Nov 3, 2017 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, November has begun and with it, no doubt, the traditional run down (or up) to Christmas. Oh my goodness! This month of November is like an ever spiralling patchwork quilt of our life together. Tonight the Spring seminar from St Andrew’s Trust for the...