Explore the sacredWhat is sacred? What is not? How do we describe it? What experiences tell us more about it? How do we understand words like ‘holy’, ‘sacred’, ‘God’ and ‘spirituality’ in the 21st century? What does it mean to be divine or human? At St Andrew’s these questions guide our theological reflections and spirited conversations.

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Cairns of stones have often marked sites regarded as sacred
Now we’re moving to greater consciousness, globally and individually. The personal call which many hear is to individuation. This is a natural transformation, taking time and intention to achieve integration of the Self. In it the movement is from focusing on an external God to focusing on the divine within. As conscious and unconscious ‘I’ are integrated, we become more self-aware. We ‘come home’ to ourselves. We realise we have always been deeply loved.
As individuals transform, higher levels of consciousness develop globally too. Increased compassion, awareness, kindness and more realistic care for each other and the planet grow. In this way effort put into individual growth helps the community and the planet too.
Quote along the Wellington Writers Walk
The stories within Christianity have resourced traditional faith. They image spiritual beings as external to us, according to the understanding of ancient time. Treated as metaphor and parable, these stories still resource a conscious faith today. We also look within, through meditation and reflection. Practices differ, but the spiritual journey still calls.
Quote along the Wellington Writers Walk
At St Andrew’s we are working on imagining, writing and gathering spiritual resources; prayers, reflections, songs, or liturgy (words used in a gathering for worship). We also enjoy resources written by other progressive thinkers and other New Zealanders writing for this time and place.
Images supplied by St Andrew’s people for the mural created in the lane alongside the church in 2016
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The St Andrew’s community gathers every Sunday at 10.00am.