Weekly newsletter for Friday 29 March

Weekly newsletter for Friday 29 March

Hello everyone It’s that time again – the end of March.  This is the month your annual donation total is calculated.  Thank you all very much for the increased level of giving we are noticing in the accounts. April is the month charitable organisations start working...
Weekly newsletter for Thursday 14 March 2019

Weekly newsletter for Thursday 14 March 2019

Hello everyone, An earlier than usual e-news this week because there are some things to remind you about which are happening before Sunday First, The Lenten study series based on the movie Les Miserables begins tonight.   The first session is at Central Baptist...
Weekly Newsletter for Friday 8 March

Weekly Newsletter for Friday 8 March

Hello everyone Traditional Ash Wednesday services say ‘Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.’  We converted that on Wednesday night to the concept that ‘we are stardust’.  Think, every element in us is from the original Big Bang.  We are kin to...

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