

Our new website spurs me to a new blog. Welcome! I am Susan Jones, minister at St Andrew’s on The Terrace. I muse a lot. Life is what stirs me to muse. Being human. Being a human being searching for divine moments and fragments scattered around our world. Next door...

Lent Four Who is blind? Who can see?

We consider the story of the man born blind and Jesus’ reaction to him as they work within the theology of their time.  Also our own journey into the Dark Night of the Soul as our faith changes. Lent 4 Order of service:  2017-03-26 Lent 4 Script of reflection: ...
Lent Three – Jesus and a feisty woman

Lent Three – Jesus and a feisty woman

Lent 3 – Today we reflected on Jesus’ encounter with a Samaritan woman he met at a well.  These two people (who normally should not have had dealings with each other) have an interesting meeting Lent 3 –  Order of service pdf Lent 3 – Pdf of...
Lent Two – Dealing with the supernatural in 2017

Lent Two – Dealing with the supernatural in 2017

Lent 2 – The account of the transfiguration raises questions of how we treat stories with a supernatural flavour when we are post Enlightenment people living in 2017.  This reflection attempts to wrestle with those questions Lent 2 – Order of service pdf...

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