Oct 30, 2020 | Weekly e-news
Tēnā koutou e te whānau, This week I gave a presentation on how stigma affects me as a mental health professional with lived experience of mental distress. Sharing my own experiences brought up some feelings of anxiety beforehand, and vulnerability afterwards. These...
Oct 23, 2020 | Weekly e-news
Tena tatou whanau katoa. What have you been working on this week? What’s been your mahi? One of the enjoyable things about working on a service of wor(th)ship is discovering websites and writing that, as a layperson, I don’t often spend time with. A pithy quote I’ve...
Oct 16, 2020 | Weekly e-news
Kia ora e te whānau, I always look forward to election day, the build up, the debates and the opportunity to contribute in a democratic process, and on the night watching the coverage on TV, the party leaders leaving their homes as they go to party headquarters, the...
Oct 13, 2020 | Weekly e-news
Kia ora We live in interesting times. What with Covid19, elections and climate change. I have just returned from a trip around the Te Waipounamu, the South Island, with my grandson. Passing through the Mackenzie country I was tempted to drive up to Lake Ohau as I had...
Oct 2, 2020 | Weekly e-news
kia ora. One of our Tipuna Jack Somerville was Minister here 1947-64. He once famously said “…when you turn 65 you have reached your Anecdotage.” Like me, many of you reading this have qualified! I vividly recall the childhood joys of swimming in the...