Kia ora e te whānau,

I always look forward to election day, the build up, the debates and the opportunity to contribute in a democratic process, and on the night watching the coverage on TV, the party leaders leaving their homes as they go to party headquarters, the tallying up and the concession and congratulations phonecalls and interviews.

This year added to the usual event two referendums, both of which we’ve thought about carefully as individuals and as a community with the help of the Social Justice Education Group.

By Sunday we should know more or less the outcome, and then of course the negotiations to form a government begin.

We are looking forward to hearing from Rev Doug Lendrum on Sunday, Doug is a newly ‘retired’ (is there such a thing?) minister who has settled in Wellington, most recently from Auckland. Doug has been worshipping with us for a few months now, and this is another way of getting to know him better.

I have, like many of you, been appreciating the prayers in the ‘Week of Prayer for World Peace’ booklet. The focus has been each day on various aspects of peace-making, and prayers come from various faith traditions.

I thought this one was particularly apt for us in Aotearoa NZ this election week, from His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

I pray that we show tolerance of each other’s beliefs and customs and value the diversity within our societies. I pray that we come to see the best in humanity and use each other’s strengths and skills to build a better world for our children and to cultivate lasting peace in society.



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