May 31, 2018 | Community, Social Justice
Come to St Andrew’s on The Terrace for Gender identity Night, Tuesday 12 June 2018. This is part of our Spirited Conversations programme. We gather at 5pm for free refreshments for a start at 5,30pm. Mani Mitchell, well known spokesperson on gender identity...
May 25, 2018 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, There has been encouraging and widespread interest in the Gender Identity night on Tuesday June 12. (5.30-7.00pm). See There was specific interest shown at the inner-city clergy meeting on Thursday when I took fliers and posters...
May 18, 2018 | Weekly e-news
THREE ‘4’S IN A ROW! What a week! We celebrated the ‘4’ in STANDING4FAIRNESS last Sunday (May 13) for the Worldwide Fairtrade Challenge. (see pictures above) We attended the Presbytery dinner and heard a new gospel perspective on Crime and Punishment The first Budget...
May 17, 2018 | Social Justice
This is a rainbow letter day. We wish Grant Robertson all the best as he delivers his first Budget – a first for NZ in another sense. Go Grant!
May 11, 2018 | Weekly e-news
Hello everyone, An exciting development this week – though unfortunately not in our denomination! You’ll have seen on last night’s news that Anglicans in New Zealand have moved towards allowing blessing of same sex marriages. ...