Weekly E-news for 26 July 2024

Weekly E-news for 26 July 2024

E NEWS 26TH JULY 2024  When I started writing this morning it was “Morena” now it is lunchtime so I will say Kia ora tatou.  We won’t talk about the Rugby 7’s game this morning too depressing for me anyway, probably many of you couldn’t care less.  Oh well, there is...
Weekly E-news for 12 July 2024

Weekly E-news for 12 July 2024

E NEWS 12TH JULY 2024  At Exploring Faith last Sunday we were blessed with two very personal faith journeys from Cam Smart and Jenny Simpson, which was presented by her husband Paul Satherley on her behalf.  Amazing journeys of faith.  We are very thankful for their...
Weekly E-news for 5 July 2024

Weekly E-news for 5 July 2024

E NEWS 5TH JULY 2024  Tena koutou e Rangatira ma, e hoa ma. I received a lovely surprise in the post this week.  My dear cousin Ane and her husband Stephen have just finished 6 years of teaching in Shanghai China.  Before their return to NZ I sent her my glasses...
Weekly E-news for 28 June 2024

Weekly E-news for 28 June 2024

E NEWS 27TH JUNE 2024  Happy Matariki weekend.  We had a wonderful Matariki celebration service on Sunday.  The highlight was Jasper explaining to us the names of the seven Matariki Stars and what they each mean.  We all learnt something new from Jasper on Sunday.   ...
Weekly E-news for 21 June 2024

Weekly E-news for 21 June 2024

E NEWS 21ST JUNE 2024 Kia ora, Talofa lava, warm Pacific greetings. It’s another beautiful day outside, sunny but crispy. I hope you have all been wrapped up warmly and unlike me keeping those nasty winter bugs at bay. As you know I had a nasty flu last week which...
Weekly E-news for 14 June 2024

Weekly E-news for 14 June 2024

E NEWS 14TH JUNE 2024 Talofa lava, special thanks to Ross and Doug for taking the last two Sunday services.  Unfortunately, I’ve been struck with a very nasty flu for the last four days and it doesn’t seem to be relenting.  I do not have covid but it feels...

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