December 12, 2021








Today’s service is led by The Rev Dr Jim Cunningham



We gather to announce that love is about to be born.
We hear the ancient word,
looking forward to this announcement.
We proclaim that light is about to overcome darkness.
Peace and justice shall be possible for all humanity.
The heralding is for us.
We prepare so we can participate in this rebirth of Love.
Our worship together separates the wilderness from the wasteland.
We affirm the hand of God in the movement of life.

Let us celebrate life in the presence we name God.

PROCESSIONAL CAROL WOV 228 ‘O come all Ye faithful’
Music John Francis Wade
Words C. Frederick Oakeley (alt)words

O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant
O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem
Come and behold Him, born the King of Angels
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!

See how the shepherds summoned to his cradle,
leaving their flocks, draw nigh with holy fear;
we too will thither bend our joyful footsteps:
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!

Lo, star led chieftains, wise men, Christ adoring,
offer him incense, gold and myrrh;
we to the Christ child, bring our hearts’ oblations,
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!

Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation,
sing all ye citizens of heaven above,
Glory to God, glory in the highest,
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!
E te whānau a Te Karaiti
ngā mihi aroha ki a tātou katoa.
Kia ora tātou.

Source of Life - who called the rich to travel toward poverty,
and the powerful to know their own frailty;
who gave to strangers a sense of homecoming in an alien land
and to stargazers’ true light and vision as they bowed to earth –
We lay ourselves open to your signs for us.

Stir us with holy discontent
over a world which gives its gifts to those
who have plenty already,
whose talents are obvious,
whose power is recognized;
And help us both to share our resources
with those who have little,
and to receive with humility
the gifts they bring to us.

Rise within us, like a star,
and make us restless
till we journey forth to seek our rest in you.

JESUS PRAYER Jim Cotter paraphrase

Eternal Spirit
Life-Giver, Pain-Bearer, Love-Maker,
source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
loving God, in whom is heaven:
the hallowing of your name
echo through the universe!

The way of your justice be followed
by the peoples of the world!
Your heavenly will be done
by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom
sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test,
strengthen us.
From trials too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory
of the power that is love, now and for ever. Amen

On this third Sunday of Advent
we remember God’s gift of joy
and that we are called to be people of God’s joy.
In Uganda Covid-19 has caused great harm. The official Covid death toll would be much lower if more people had been tested. Medical centres are unprepared and the promise of the People’s Vaccine far distant. Schools have been closed for the last 18 months and incomes have fallen.
But there has been joy in the southwest where the Centre for Community Solidarity has organised rainwater tanks, distributed facemasks made by young women and taught the HIV and AIDS caregivers how to protect themselves and their communities. Grandmother Sikora says her tank was a blessing from God.
We seek COVID Justice.

God of abundant joy
May we be people who
shine the light of joy in your world
through our words and by our actions.
We send you to the Rainbow Room to hear stories, ask questions and have fun together.
We bless you. Amen.

Traditionally we shake hands to pass the peace and say “peace be with you.” Now that COVID-19 is here we ask that you pass the peace without shaking hands.


Reading: Janet Horncy
Isaiah: 9: 2-7 A Great Light (Lloyd Geering translation)

There is widespread rejoicing whenever a new monarch comes to the British throne, or even when a new heir is born. The following poem was written more than two and a half thousand years ago to celebrate the birth of a new heir to the Davidic throne. Christians have long regarded this hymn as particularly relevant to the birth of Jesus, for they came to regard him as the King of Kings and spiritual heir to the throne of David.

The nation that is walking in darkness
has seen a bright light shining.
On those dwelling in a land shadowed by death
light has at last dawned.
You have caused them to burst out in jubilation.
You have made them as merry as can be.
They are overjoyed about what you have done,
with the sort of joy brought by each harvest.
Their excitement is what people feel
when they parcel out unexpected wealth that falls in their lap.
For, just as in the day when you gave to Gideon
the victory over the Midianites,
so you have shattered the burdensome yoke
that weighs heavily on their shoulders -
the rod imposed by their taskmasters.
At last the boots of every marching soldier
and all their uniforms stained with blood
will go into the incinerator
to be fuel for the fire.
For a child has been born to us.
We have been given a son!
All authority shall rest on his shoulders.
His name shall be called,
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Father forever, Prince of Peace.
So powerful shall his dominion become,
that endless peace will prevail
over the throne of David and over his Kingdom.
He will set it up, and with justice
and righteousness he will support it,
from this time forth and for evermore.
Hymn WOV 202 ‘The people that in darkness walked’
(Scottish Paraphrase)
The people that in darkness walked
have seen a glorious light;
the light has shined on them who dwelt
in death’s surrounding night.

To hail the Sun of righteousness,
the gathering nations come:
rejoicing as when reapers bear
their harvest treasures home.

To us a child of hope is born,
to us a Son is given;
him shall the tribes of earth obey,
him all the hosts of heaven.

His name shall be the Prince of Peace,
for evermore adored,
the Wonderful, the Counsellor,
the great and mighty Lord.

His power increasing still shall spread,
his reign no end shall know;
justice shall guard his throne above
and peace abound below.
Reading: Anna Smith
Luke 2: 1-7 The Birth (James Veitch translation)

The next thing that happened
occurred about the time Caesar Augustus gave orders
to record the names of all the people who lived in Israel.
(This was the way taxes were determined.
When Quirinius was governor,
he ordered such a census to be taken.)

According to instructions,
everyone had to go to their family town
to have their names recorded.
Joseph was required to travel from Nazareth,
a village in Galilee,
to Bethlehem, a town in Judea,
in order to be registered.
Bethlehem was King David’s home town in ancient times so,
as a descendant of the king,
Joseph had to report there.
Mary, his fiancée who was contracted to become his wife,
accompanied him to Bethlehem.
Her pregnancy was near its full term as they set out.
Soon after they arrived, she gave birth.
It was her first born son.
She wrapped him in a blanket
and placed him in an animal feed-box to sleep.
There were so many people in Bethlehem
that the only space in the house where they stayed
was in a stable with the animals.

Poem: Rosemary Lawrence
St Joseph by Eileen Duggan

We could not love you better had you lived here,
and had a quarter acre in the north,
doing piecework with saw and nails and hammer
till Caesar bade you forth.

You might have come from Tokomaru for the counting,
along the hot, dust-deep December road,
sighing for Mary in the saddle near you,
short-breathing with her load.

A tall, grave, country workman in the city,
answering questions with an absent nod,
and puzzled by some power, some dignity about him –
protector of a God.

You might have made your way out to Karori,
and stumbled on some open cattle shed,
half-thankful, half-ashamed, to lead her to it,
to rest her weary head.

We could not love you better had we seen you
in your own province, planing on a board,
and droning tender lullabies at twilight
unto a sleepy Lord.

Carol: COC 8 ‘Child of Christmas Story’
Words© Shirley Murray; Music© Richard Madden

Child of Christmas story, stable straw and star,
small and sweet and gentle: tell us who you are.

Child whose baby finger round our own is curled,
come to melt our hearts, and come to change the world.

Child of Jew and Gentile, child of white and black –
teach us how to love you, teach us what we lack.

Child of Mary’s courage, birthed in human pain,
tell us what your name is – be our hope again.
Reading: Ben Gray
Luke 2: 8-14 - The Angels (James Veitch translation)

That night,
workers were out in the fields
looking after sheep
when the sky around them lit up
with a brilliance no-one had ever seen before.
The shepherds were startled and very scared!
Then one of God’s messengers spoke:
Don’t be alarmed!
I’ve good news for you!
News that will make your day!
News that will change your lives for ever!
Today in Bethlehem, King David’s home town,
a very special baby was born.
This baby will become God’s representative– the Messiah –
the person who will put everyone onside with God.
If you go into town you will recognize him.
He’s wrapped in a blanket and asleep in a feed box.
Out of the blue a whole group of God’s messengers appeared
and broke into a song of praise.
Great is the Living God!
All praise be to God’s name.
Hear God speaking!
Receive God’s Peace!
St Andrew’s Singers

The First Nowell/Pachelbel’s Canon

Carol WOV 235 ‘Angels from the realms of glory’
Words : James Montgomery (alt)
Music French Traditional Melody

Angels from the realms of glory,
Wing your flight o'er all the earth;
Ye who sang creation's story,
Now proclaim Messiah's birth:
Come and worship Christ, the newborn King.
Come and worship ,Worship Christ, the newborn King!

To the weary comes refreshment,
To the grieving, strength and peace;
To the anxious, sweet contentment,
To the captive soul, release:
Come and worship……….

Wise folk, leave your contemplations,
brighter visions beam afar;
seek the great Desire of nations,
you have seen his natal star:
Come and worship………
Poem: Paul Franken
Christmas by Janet Frame

In my country Christmas is frangipani ….
jacaranda…. pohutukawa
is the flotsam holiday court in residence;
the king of the golden river
in swimming trunks, rubbed with sun oil,
saving the stupid who would drown outside the flags.

In my country Christmas is sun
is riches that never were rags
is plenty on the plate
is nothing for hunger who came unseen
too soon or too late;
is holiday blossom beach sea
is from me to you
is from you to me
is giving giving
in a torture of anxiety
panic of pohutukawa
jacaranda that has lost all joy.

In my country the feast
of Christmas is free;
we pay our highest price
for the lost joy of the jacaranda tree.

Reading: John Harper
Luke 2: 15-20 The Shepherds (James Veitch translation)

When the song was over
the workmen said to one another:
We’ve nothing to lose!
Let’s go off into town
and see if we can find this child.
They went off and soon found the place.
Mary and Joseph were there
and the baby was sleeping in a feed-box.
They told everyone who would listen,
including the baby’s parents,
what had happened.
Everyone was terribly surprised – it was all very unusual.

Mary, however, thought deeply
about the reports that she heard
and tossed everything over in her mind.
The workers went back to their sheep,
feeling very different about life.
They thought God was amazing!
Nothing like this had ever happened before
to help them take God seriously,
or even believe in God.
Everything they had seen
was just as the messenger had said it would be.

Carol: WOV 236 ‘Silent night, holy night’
Words: Franz Gruber; Music: Joseph Mohr

Silent night, holy night: all is calm, all is bright
round yon virgin mother and child,
holy infant so tender and mild,
sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night: shepherds quake at the sight;
glories stream from heaven afar,
heavenly hosts sing ‘Alleluia’;
Christ the Saviour is born, Christ the Saviour is born.

Silent night, holy night: wondrous star, lend your light;
with the angel’s let us sing
Alleluia to our King;
Christ our Saviour is born, Christ our Saviour is born.
POEM: Maxine Cunningham
Advent by Joy Cowley

Look now! It is happening again!
Love like a high spring tide
is swelling to fullness
and overflowing the banks
of our small concerns.

And here again is the star,
that white flame of truth
blazing the way for us
through a desert of tired words.
Once more comes the music,
angel song that lifts our hearts
and tunes our ears
to the harmony of the universe,
making us wonder
how we ever could have forgotten.

And now the magi within us
gathers up gifts of gold and myrrh,
while that other part of ourselves,
the impulsive, reckless shepherd,
runs helter skelter with arms outstretched
to embrace the wonder of it all.

We have no words to contain our praise.
We ache with awe,
we tremble with miracle,
as once again, in the small rough stable of our lives,
Christ is born.

St Andrew’s Singers
Do you hear what I hear?

Reading: Tony Pears
Matthew 2: 1-12 The Wise Men (James Veitch translation)

Jesus was born in Bethlehem,
a village to the south of Jerusalem
in the area known as Judea.
Herod the Great was king.
Shortly after his birth,
astrologers from Persia arrived in Jerusalem
searching for the child.
They said that,
according to their observations,
the child was destined
to eventually become king of the Jews.

Their attention had been drawn to a star
which they said had moved across the night sky
and stopped over this part of Israel.
They wanted to acknowledge and pay homage
to the baby who would become king.

When Herod heard all this, he was very agitated
and so was everyone else in the city of Jerusalem.
He asked all the chief priests and the scholars to meet with him and asked:
Where will the representative of God –
the Messiah, the Christ – be born?

He was told:
At Bethlehem in Judea.

Then they quoted from Micah, one of the books of the Hebrew Bible:
And you Bethlehem in the province of Judah,
you are amongst the best in Judah!
From out of your town will come a leader,
who will care deeply for my people of choice
in the nation of Israel.

Herod called the astrologers to a secret meeting
and asked them for details about the star they had seen.
He then urged them to search carefully for the child in Bethlehem.
He ordered:
As soon as you find the child, come and tell me
because I also want to visit and acknowledge him –
just as you do!

The astrologers listened to Herod and then left to continue their search.
The star they had followed from Persia stopped above the building where the child was.
The astrologers were glad to find the house and overjoyed with their success.

They entered and found the baby with Mary his mother.
They knelt before him and presented the gifts they had brought –
gold pieces, sweet smelling incense
and fragrant perfumes.

Because they had been warned in a dream
not to report back to Herod,
they returned to Persia
using a different route

Poem: Pat Booth
Nativity by Peter Cape

They were set for home,
but the horse went lame
and the rain came pelting out of the sky.
He saw the hut and he went to look
And he said, ‘She’s old, but she’ll keep you dry’

So her kid was born in that roadman’s shack
by the light of a lamp that’d hardly burn.
She wrapped him up in her hubby’s coat
And put him down on a bed of fern.

Then they came riding out of the night
(and this is the thing that she’ll always swear;)
as they took off their hats
and came into the light
they knew they were going to find her there.

Three old jokers in oilskin coats
stood by the bunk in that leaking shack.
One had a beard like a billygoat’s
and one was frail and one was black.

She sat at the foot of the fernstalk bed
and she watched, but she didn’t understand;
while they put these bundles
at the baby’s head
and this river nugget into his hand

Gold is the power of a man with a man
and incense the power of a man with God,
but myrrh is the bitter taste of death
and the sour-sweet smell of the upturned sod

Then they went, while she watched through the open door,
weary as men who had ridden too far;
and the rain eased off and the low cloud broke
And through the gap shone a single star.

Carol: CH3 278 ‘Now the star of Christmas’
Words: Shirley Erena Murray
Music: Noel Nouvelet French Carol Tune)

Now the star of Christmas shines into our day,
points a new direction: change is on the way –
there’s another landscape to be travelled through,
there’s a new-born spirit broadening our view.

When the Christ of Christmas speaks to hearts and minds,
clears the clouded vision hurting humankind,
kindred spirits gather, drawn towards the light,
sharing revelation, joyful at the sight.

If we choose to follow, we may yet be wise.
Where the three kings travel, three great faiths arise:
Jesus Christ for Christians, Jesus, Judah’s son,
Prophet for the Muslim, wisdom in each one.

Where the star enlightens, light is shared around.
God has drawn no borders, faith sees common ground:
Peace the hopeful journey, justice without bar,
God’s illumination from the Christmas star.

Poem Catriona Cairns
24 December by Joy Cowley

The machines shudder into silence.
The last sheep slides down the chute
and staggers out of the shed,
giddy with sudden weight loss.

The shearers, glossed with sweat,
take the lid of the chilly bin.
They sit with hands wrapped around cans,
sweet coldness against cracked fingers,
while outside a tui gargles the heat
and spits it out in two long clear notes.

The shed hand rolls a can across his brow, and says,
“It’s beginning to feel like Christmas.”

On the back lawn, near the potato patch,
the woman creaks the revolving line
as she unpegs clothes stiff with sunlight.
The smell of summer is mixed with noise,
pungent cicadas, loud brass marigolds,
the grass beneath her bare feet is as warm as cat’s fur.
She looks over her shoulder and reminds herself
to dig some new potatoes for tomorrow,
and she thinks with sudden pleasure,
It’s beginning to feel like Christmas.

The children and the dog have been in the pool
but the dog in the excitement, bit the plastic
and now the pool is collapsing,
pouring water over hot concrete.
The children run through the flood
making footprints that dry in seconds.
“Happy Birthday to you,” they sing.
“Happy birthday, dear Jesus.”

Their granddad at the kitchen window,
remembers his own childhood.
He thinks of the small footprints
that have stamped the earth
since that little fellow in the stable,
and he smiles as he dries the dishes.
It sure feels like Christmas.

Carol COC 45 ‘There’s straw in the manger’
Words and Music© Colin Gibson

There’s straw in the manger
and babies in danger,
some shepherds possessed by the folly of love.
The register’s ringing
and shop choirs are singing;
it’s bargains galore in the folly of love.

It’s midsummer madness,
and everyday badness:
the usual scene for the coming of Christ.
It’s parcels and wrapping,
it’s father caught napping,
and children awake in the folly of love.

It’s suntan and lotion,
it’s surf and commotion,
it’s sand in the sandwiches: folly of love.
It’s crackers and candles,
it’s shorts and it’s sandals,
plum pudding in summer: the folly of love.

It’s friends and relations,
it’s neighbours and nations,
enjoying a moment of peace and good will.
it’s crowds at the local,
old aunties gone vocal,
and “house full” signs out: O the folly of love.

It’s families united,
it’s grandmas delighted,
it’s long distance calls, in the folly of love.
It’s caravans, camels,
and fellows in flannels;
three kings chasing stars for the folly of love.

It’s postcard madonnas
receiving full honours,
Saint Nicholas wearing a cotton wool beard.
It’s trees hung with baubles,
angelical warbles,
and God comes to earth in the folly of love!


HYMN OF DEDICATION COC 48 ‘Where is the room?’
Words© Shirley Murray; Music© David Dell

Where is the room,
where is the house of Christmas?
Where shall we welcome Jesus,
where are the signs of home?

Let Christ have space,
place at the heart of living,
center for birth’s new breathing,
cradle for hope and peace.

Let there be room,
room for the friend and stranger,
room without hurt or anger,
room for whoever come.

Let love be here,
love for the Christmas stable,
love at our open table,
love to be shared all year.
People share notices and visitors are welcomed. If you have a notice, please move to the front row, ready to speak briefly from the lectern.
For the benefit of newcomers, please introduce yourself before you begin.

We think today of the people of Libya and the All Africa Conference of Churches. We hold all refugees in our hearts. We pray in particular for those detained for many years in Papua New Guinea & Nauru. We give thanks for progress that has been made and pray that their calls for justice might yet find a compassionate response. In New Zealand, we remember those in Parliament, and today we name Stuart Nash (Napier) and Terisa Ngobi (Ōtaki). Here in the Central Presbytery, we pray for the leaders and people of Eltham/Kaponga Co-operating Church.
Renew your people, God,
And renew our life in this place.
Give us a new spirit of unity
with all who follow the Way of Jesus
and new bonds of love
with people of other faiths.

Bless the city in which we live
that it may be a place
where honest dealing,
good government,
the desire for beauty,
and the care for others flourish.

Bless this church
that what we know of your will
may become what we do,
and what we believe
the strong impulse
of our worship and work.

THE SENDING OUT (standing) (Poem by Joy Cowley)
This year, this year, who comes
in form of God’s befriending?
What voice to cry for peace?
A child with human face will plead compassion’s case,
entreat our conflicts’ ending –
Bless this child, O bless this child!

Make way, make way for signs of angel visitation!
What daughter or what son may be the coming One,
new Christ, in love begun, new light of revelation?
Bless this child, O bless this child.

Make room, make room!
The time is near to be awaking,
for in creation’s womb the Word has made a home –
the seed for summer bloom within the earth is breaking.
Bless this child, O bless this child.

HYMN CH3 178 ‘Christmas in the summer’
Words: Bill Wallace, Music “Cranham” Gustav Holst
Christmas in the summer?
Heat instead of cold?
Flowers instead of freezing?
Skies that shine like gold?
This is Southern Christmas,
Seasons in reverse!
Can the Northern pictures
speak in Southern verse?

Inner space is timeless
God is everywhere
Cries of newborn infants
reach for Mary's care.
When we nurture wonder
'till its grace abounds
we create new pictures
outside Northern bounds.

Sing the Christmas story,
carol South and North.
Sing of pregnant seasons,
nature’s songs of birth.
Raise the Christ child’s praises,
lift both joy and pain,
Touch the realms of oneness,
live the birth again.

Go safely towards Christmas Day
trusting that love is moving towards you.
And may the God of love go with you,
the child of Bethlehem touch your life,
and gifts of grace lie around you as you journey.



THANK YOU                                                                                            Mark Stamper

our musician today

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