December 25, 2019


Joy to the World!


Welcome to St Andrew’s on The Terrace

Wherever you are on your faith journey,

wherever you have come from and wherever you are going to,

whatever you believe, whatever you do not believe, you are welcome here.

Please join in the congregational responses printed in bold italics.

Please stand if you are able, for the hymns and the offering prayer.

We usually sing the hymns without announcement.

To use the loop system in the church, turn your hearing aids on to the appropriate setting.

Printed copies of the reflection are available at the back of the church for people with extreme hearing loss.  For others they can be picked up at the end of the Gathering.


Please note your nearest fire exit.

The church and hall have been earthquake strengthened.  In an earthquake: drop, cover and hold.



We gather on this festive day, at this special time,
searching for a reality present within and beyond our everyday lives.
We come hoping to touch that “something more” in the stories of Jesus and his birth so long ago,
seeking a deeper connection with Divine reality.
In joyful expectation we make time now to calm and centre ourselves,
inviting the Spirit to open our eyes to wonder and surprise.


PROCESSIONAL HYMN Rejoice, Rejoice at Christmas Time
Words: © 2011 William L Wallace World Library Publications
Tune: Forest Green WOV 240
Rejoice, rejoice at Christmas time,
all flesh is sacred now.
Embrace the manger in your heart
beyond the why and how.
For God resides within that space
of love and cosmic awe,
the home of singing, dancing love
beyond life’s mystic door.

Rejoice, rejoice at Christmas time,
all flesh has sacredness:
all matter bears the sign of God,
imparts God’s holiness.
For God can never be confined
beyond our time and space.
God’s hand is touching everything:
each life reflects God’s face.

Rejoice, rejoice at Christmas time,
all flesh reflects God’s grace.
The realm that atoms dance within
is nature’s ballet space.
when we are one with baby’s breath
and tender love’s caress,
we find a Christmas manger in
our deepest mind’s recess.

Rejoice, rejoice at Christmas time,
make space for starry eyes,
discern how Jesus looked at life
with wonder and surprise:
For deeper than our harshest pain,
beyond our muddled mind,
the gift of love in child-like form
is our most precious find.

Kia ora tatou.
Kia ora.


JESUS PRAYER Jim Cotter paraphrase on card

Christmas – Christ Candle

Reading: CWS Partner Story from Palestine: Give Good Water, Give Life
John Morgan

It would not be Christmas without a baby! A young Palestinian mother wants her young son to have a good life despite the many hurdles he will face.
Clean, safe water is essential for baby’s health, and in short supply. Families must buy safe water to drink. The lack of safe water threatens the health of many families.
For Syrian and Palestinian refugees access to primary healthcare for mothers and children up to age six is a special gift. Regular check ups and vaccinations with doctors and other medical staff make sure new babies get a good start to life. Free medical care and supplementary food at DSPR’s (a long standing partner of CWS) primary health clinics make the difference for people facing an uncertain future.
Give good health, give life.


E te whānau, brothers and sisters,
Christ is born anew among us today!
Gracious God, on this most holy of days,
may Christ be our light.
For the life that was the light of all people
we light this candle.

CHILDREN’S STORY “Leah’s star” by Margaret Bateson Hill Fiona McDougal

Feel free to pass the peace with those nearby or move to greet others further away. Passing the peace consists of shaking hands and saying “Peace be with you.” The response is “Peace be with you” or just “And with you.” Or, simply saying “Hello” is a good idea. Also feel free to simply observe if you wish!

THE WORD IN TEXTS Wendy Matthews

Gospel Reading: Luke 2:1-20 New Living Translation (NLT)

HYMN COC 8 Child of Christmas story
Words: Shirley Erena Murray © 1992 Hope Publishing Company
Music © 1992 Richard Madden
1. Child of Christmas story,
stable straw and star,
small and sweet and gentle,
tell us who you are.

2. Child whose baby finger
round our own is curled,
come to melt our hearts,
and come to change the world.
3. Child of Jew and gentile,
child of white and black,
teach us how to love you,
teach us what we lack.

4. Child of Mary's courage,
birthed in human pain,
tell us what your name is,
be our hope again.

ADULTS’ STORY ‘Under their noses’ John Harper
by Ted Loder (condensed)

HYMN What a world of sound
Words: ©Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Music: Hymn to Joy WOV 92

What a world of sound it must have been for Jesus, newly-born —
Mother Mary singing songs of praise to God that Christmas morn;
Joseph, reaching for the child, whispering when the baby fussed;
Songs and whispers bear the promise: You are truly God-with-us.

Surely there were sounds of women from that small community,
Stopping by to see the baby, offering hospitality;
Lambs were bleating, donkeys braying, children playing in the street.
Jesus, close against his mother, felt her heart's rejoicing beat.

In that town were shepherds calling; workers there were cutting wood;
In the distance, angry shouts and people begging for their food;
In a doorway, someone weeping, saddened by some inner pain —
Jesus, in your incarnation, unto each of these you came.

What a world of sound we live in; many words we daily hear.
Mid this world's conflicting voices, be for us God's Word so clear.
Help us listen to your story; help us hear you when we pray.
In you, Jesus, is our hope: God come to us on Christmas Day


Contemporary reading: ‘Joy returns’ Frances Porter
by Barbara Sampson
Refresh Journal of Contemplative Spirituality Volume 20, No 1 Winter 2019

Joy returns
after the quaking shaking breaking
not in great gushes
or bucket loads
but in gentle drops
like rain on newly sown carrot seeds
or tears of welcome over a new baby

Joy comes
just a glimpse
a glance
a sudden lifting of hope
like an old familiar friend
awaiting my return
even as I long and wait for her.


Celebrating Joy

You are invited to pause and recollect a time when you experienced a time of joy and relive that moment now……..
When you feel ready, you may wish to write a word or symbol to represent that occasion on one of the baubles and hang or nestle it on the green garland around the manger.
Or just relax and enjoy the silence and music ……..


Music for meditation: Ubi Caritas by Ola Gjeilo - Utah State University Singers.
Where compassion and love are, God is there.
Christ's love has gathered us into one.
Let us rejoice……….

HYMN CH4 281 ‘Glimmers of joy’
Words: Fiona McDougal 2019
Music: French Traditional carol

Glimmers of joy pervade our lives
if we will but open our eyes.
Sparkles the sea with light and movement,
Dappled the bush with shade and shadow.
Glimmers of joy pervade our lives
Jesus Christ in them resides.

Depths of great joy infuse our lives
though the surface stormy is.
Fearful, we struggle, seek solutions,
doubting, we miss the Spirit’s holding
Depths of great joy infuse our lives
Jesus Christ in them resides.

Born into joy you touch our lives
Jesus son of mother so wise.
Shepherds came hurrying through the pastures,
Wise men brought gifts of worth and welcome
Born into joy you touch our lives
Jesus Christ in them reside.

Through all the world glad tidings sound
Joy to all and justice announce.
Proclaiming news that God is with us
Jesus is born, Love here we witness.
Through all the world glad tidings sound
“Jesus Christ, God’s Word” resounds


May the splash of rangimarie peace,
the blossom of tumanako hope
the vibrance of harikoa joy and
the warmth of arohanui love
cradle us.



THANK YOU                                                                                              Peter Franklin

Our Musician today

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