E NEWS 17TH MAY 2024
Morena e hoa ma. I’m writing from El Rancho Retreat Centre in Waikanae as we begin our last day of our gathering of Presbyterian Women ministers. There are about 38 women: 5 Amorangi from Te Aka Puaho, 5 Pacific Island women, and the rest Pākehā. Some retired, but many in active ministry. The youngest was around 40 years old and the oldest Rev Marg Schrader at 85. The retreat was called the Sylvia Jenkin Hui; she left a legacy for PCANZ Women ministers of around $50k. We zoomed each other for about a year talking about ways to use this money as well as honour her legacy. This retreat was the outcome for 50% of her gift.
Professor Rev Dr Joan Taylor was our key note speaker. We also had a whole morning on governance with role play included and it was very good.
On Tuesday evening I was invited to a State Dinner hosted by Dame Cindy Kiro to meet Samoa’s Head of State and his wife whom we call “masiofo”. I thought it would be a huge occasion but to my surprise it was small and intimate and I was the only clergy. I was given the honour of saying grace to bless the occasion and the food. What an honour and a privilege to sit opposite the Head of State and have his full attention for over an hour. It was most likely the first time he had met a Samoan woman minister. He was intrigued and did wonder when Samoa would ever consider ordained women.
When I return to the office this afternoon myself and some members of FFMG and Jenny Simpson via zoom will be meeting with Max Reid former PCANZ minister now working for Ministry of Disabilities. We will be looking at how to access funding etc. for our disabilities access entry among other things. We will conclude with dinner somewhere on the Terrace.
Acts 2:3 “They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.” You are invited to enter into the spirit of the day and wear something flame coloured – soft blue, yellow,orange,red.
The reflection still sits buried somewhere between, retreat, funeral preparation for Caroline Glass and disability access. I could choose to dig deep amidst my busyness or I can allow the spirit of Pentecost to preach to us on Sunday morning. I’ve heard it said “sermon preparation is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. Sometimes it can the other way around too.
Please continue to pray for the family of Caroline Glass as we prepare to lay her to her final resting place on Monday morning. Moe mai ra e hoa. Fei
You can read the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/2a0f6847c8c5/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-9447004