This week I have had the opportunity to reflect on the lives of two Scottish women who have died. On the one hand, on Tuesday I officiated at the funeral of Fiona Thomson Carter who was the Director of Food Science for the Ministry of Primary Industries. She was 65 her two daughters just barely into their 30’s. They felt robbed of a future life of not being able to share their future partners, weddings, grandchildren, retirement with mum and all the milestones that one gets to enjoy with their children. On the other hand, today, I had the privilege to spend some time with Sandra and Tony Kirby at their home after the death of Sandra’s mother Mabel Boyd on Wednesday aged 97. What a blessing to have had their mother in their lives for their lifetime celebrating grandchildren, great grandchildren and all the family milestones of their children and the two generations following. Both women emigrated from Scotland Fiona and her family at the beginning of the millennium and Mabel in 1957. Even though one was 65 and the other 97, they lived life to the fullest to the best of their ability. We give thanks for these two women and the blessings that they were to their families, and we continue to pray for both their families in particular the Kirby family as they farewell their mum this coming Monday.

Today and tomorrow, Central Presbytery is gathering at the Pacific Islander’s Presbyterian Church in Newtown for our twice yearly meeting of Presbytery’s Minister’s and Elders. Tautai a newly formed Pacific Cluster of Pacific Island Presbyterian Churches are hosting it for the first time.

I’m in the middle of writing my Minister’s Annual Report for our Annual General Meeting. So much has happened in my 17 months at SAOTT. Time has flown by very quickly. Every week is different, no two months are ever the same. It is “satisfying” is probably a good adjective to describe my time to-date. Obviously over the 17 months I have used many different adjectives to describe my time at SAOTT but today “satisfying” seems to sum it up for now.

I’m almost reaching my personal target of visiting most of you in your homes and I enjoy these opportunities. Please, if you have not had the pleasure of my company yet and you would like it, please do let me know and we can arrange a time. You are also welcome to visit me in my office if that is easier for you. The coffee is great and the company even better. I am open to all requests even if I have already visited you, am happy to come again anytime.

This Sunday’s lectionary reading is one of my favourites “The Canaanite Woman” also known as the Syrophoenician woman”. My reflection is entitled “Dogs before Women”. In a nutshell, it seems to me that this reading is about the universality of the Gospel – it is not limited to a geographical area, a certain kind of person, or a particular situation. Jesus was enabled by this woman to share his gift of healing and the Good News beyond his own people. We should expect the unexpected in our spiritual walk. I’m looking forward to sharing it with you on Sunday.

Our very own Jane Keller is putting on her one woman musical show “Ruthless” from 11-21 October at the Gryphon Theatre in Wellington. I’m really keen on going. It would be good if we could get a group from church to go together. Let me know if you are interested and we can organise tickets or we can choose a date and everyone purchase their own tickets for that date.

I’m now going to indulge in 3 days of Coronation Street catchup. Enjoy your weekend. Nga mihi. Fei

You can read the full E-news here: https://mailchi.mp/023b98e8398f/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-9394559

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