Kia ora te Whānau


Last evening Parish Council held its monthly meeting. One of the things we talked about was how much we had all enjoyed celebrating Easter this year. We have received great feedback about the various services. Perhaps it was due to the fact that we couldn’t celebrate last year while we were in lockdown, or the impact of having the organ back (on Easter Sunday), or the way so many people participated – or all of the above. Thanks to all those who contributed, and special thanks to Jim Cunningham. That diversity and ability to contribute are defining characteristics of our community.


In other Parish Council news, I wanted to let you know that Fiona McDougal has resigned, having reflected on where her time and talents can best be directed. She will focus on the Worship Committee for the time being. The Parish Council decided at the end of last year to set up a new Worship Committee to support the Interim Moderator and Supply Minister especially through this time of vacancy. Members are Jim Cunningham, Fiona, Ross Scott, Ellen Murray and Rosemary Lawrence. We are fortunate to be able to draw on such depth of experience. The other person who has recently resigned from Parish Council is Tony Kirby who has served since July 2018. We are grateful to both for their contributions. Tony is planning to concentrate his time and talents on organising Spirited Conversations. Janet Newdick and Lois Robertson have volunteered to assist him. If you would also like to assist please let Tony know. We will look to replace both Fiona and Tony at the next AGM if not before. Please let me know if you would be interested in contributing to life at St Andrew’s on The Terrace by joining Parish Council (you will need to be a member or an associate member).


This coming Sunday 11 April, Rev Adrian Skelton will lead worship. Adrian is currently Executive Officer of the Uniting Congregations of Aotearoa New Zealand, a role he took up in 2016. Before that he was Minister at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Hastings. During 2016 he was part of the organising committee for the national Progressive Spirituality Conference hosted by St Andrew’s on The Terrace. We look forward to welcoming Adrian in our midst again.






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