Hello everyone,

Further to my e news last week thanking volunteers, we are to farewell on Sunday another quiet leader-volunteer – Colma Froggatt.  Colma and her husband Paul are moving to Tauranga.  We wish them well, though as time develops we will see more and more that we will miss Colma greatly.  She has been quietly efficient and constant in my time here, on pastoral committee work, in supporting the Rainbow Room activities with her early childhood expertise and in being a quiet ’mother’ to cuppa and chat.  She is also a thoughtful writer and poet.  Thank you Colma for all you have done here at St Andrew’s.  We wish you well in Tauranga and look forward to hearing your Life Moment on Sunday.

Two events are looming larger on the horizon.  The Gender Identity Night (5.30-7.00pm, Tuesday 12 June 2018) is gaining momentum.  The evening now includes an extended ‘share spot’ where six community organisations who support different people in the area of gender identity are going to also briefly share who and what they are and what they offer as resources and support.  They include Insideout, Outerspaces, genderminorities, Agender, Rainbow Wellington and, I hope, a facebook parents’ support group.  If you, the audience, have lots of questions we may go past 7pm!  Looking forward to seeing you there, and/or the friends you have invited.  The facebook link is: https://www.facebook.com/events/467841797010115/  (remember to click that you’re interested and your contact list will receive the notification.).  St Andrew’s people have said they want to learn more in this area, so this is your chance – take it.

Also, on Friday and Saturday, June 22/23, the winter seminar for the St Andrew’s Trust for the Study of Religion and Society will happen.  Paradise Lost: Paradise restored? is the theme – about whether we can restore the ‘Paradise’ we have lost.  For example, we will look at ways our democratic process can be strengthened and how the ‘games we play’ can be more life affirming and life giving.  Speakers include: Niki Harré, Andrew Butler, Susan Jones, Jonathan Boston, Paul Morris, Jill Day, Nick Laurence, Ros Jiko and Nadia Webster.  This is truly an amazing line-up for a weekend event which is inexpensive.   Jan Rivers has done a wonderful job of getting speakers on board and in tune with the theme.  Bring extra money to buy books and pay your annual sub.

Both events provide a warm church and stimulating ideas – what more could you want in midwinter (apart from staying home by the fire… but that goes without saying!).

See you Sunday everyone when we look at the second stanza of the Compassion Charter and Sonia Groes. Petrie speaks on Water at the Social Justice Education Group afterwards.

To view the full e-news click on this link: https://mailchi.mp/86e878764365/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-1397633

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