Advent 3 A New Zealand Carol Service

This Gathering takes the form of a Christmas carol service using the new and lovely carols written by and for New Zealanders in a summer Christmas

Advent 2

This Gathering may well include children featuring in the anticipation of the events of Christmas.  Susan leads the Gathering.

Advent 1 Advent Sunday with Communion

We begin the season of Advent, guiding us towards the joyful events of Christmas.  Susan leads the Gathering.  Communion is part of the Gathering and we follow with a community brunch in the Church Hall to which everyone is...

Pentecost 24 Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR)

Today we take time to reflect on the deaths of transgender people throughout the world as a result of violence and prejudice.  St Andrew’s on The Terrace has an inclusive policy – everyone is welcome...

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