Talofa lava uo ma e masani.  Greetings to you friends and acquaintances.  I hope your Waitangi Day commemorations were relaxing and thoughtful yesterday.  This year was one of the rare occasions that I didn’t attend any commemorations, but I stayed home and watched the celebrations on television.

I can’t believe it is February already it feels that Christmas Eve service was not so long ago.  Plans are in the pipeline for my 3-month sabbatical leave from May through to July.  All the Sunday services are almost all confirmed by those that will be leading worship during this time.  I am extremely thankful for all those who will be leading,

Last Friday Frank Hanson and I were honoured to attend the induction of Rev Suivaia Te’o who is one of the new ministers at Taranaki Street Methodist church.  Frank taught her at Trinity Methodist College some 30 years ago when he was principal.  She was very surprised to see Frank there.  Sui and I have been friends in ministry for about the same time.  My treat that night was Frank shouting me dinner at Burger Fuel on Taranaki Street.  I’m converted, that was my first time to eat at Burger Fuel, it has to be one of the best burgers and chips I have tasted, much better than

McDonalds and Burger King.

This Sunday is full on for me, after church we have Exploring Faith, followed by the Pastoral Care Committee and then at 3pm the Maori and Pacific parents and students are gathering over a BBQ at Queen Margaret College for a meet and greet.

We are having to review our Reflective Music slot after the reflection due to technical problems that we always seem to have.  Until we update our laptop and sound system this will continue to happen.  So instead, I am calling on all musicians within our congregation who would like to do a 3-minute musical reflection during this slot in the future.  We have a few musicians in our midst including our organists.  Please let me know if you would like to volunteer your musical gifts for this 3 minute time slot.

Y group will be meeting next Sunday 16th February at 11.30am in Conference room 1.  Hamish Dick will be hosting this month.  If you feel young at heart and would like to join us for a shared meal and a time of sharing, you would be most welcome.  The more the merrier.  You are welcome to bring some food to share if you are able.

Easter is fast approaching us.  In anticipation of Holy Week, I am planning an Ash Wednesday service on the morning of the 16th of April at 9.00am after which you are welcome to stay on for Cuppa and Chat and then the midday concert.   The following evening, I have invited Te Kakano o te Aroha to join us for our Maundy Thursday Passover Meal on 17th April, they are yet to confirm.  We will be having our meal of lamb, unleven bread, bitter herbs and grape juice.  It will be around 6.30pm.  We will start taking numbers attending closer to the time.  Please diary both these Holy Week events and organise your transport for Ash Wednesday as it is a midday concert day and there is no available parking in our church carpark on this day.

This Sunday we will be looking at Waitangi Day and what it means for us God defend Aotearoa NZ.  My reflection theme is “Crying Waters” which is the translation of Wai (waters) Tangi (crying).  It is still a work in progress, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.  Have a blessed weekend.  Ka kite ano, Fei

You can read the full E-News here: https://mailchi.mp/85efcd221be1/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-10133034

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