Hello everyone,

Last week I wrote about depression.  One antidote to depression which can be built into our lives permanently is spiritual practice.

If we are people who began the journey of faith in conservative circles, we may have been trained in guilt-inducing routines of regular daily devotions.  Once one enters the period of critical thinking these routines make less sense. (for more on this look on the website at the June 2 reflection).

We may have dropped these practices to be true to ourselves or simply because these routines and practice no longer ‘worked’. (Sometimes we dropped the guilt too, sometimes not!)

If we have always been in broad-thinking circles we may not ever have had a daily spiritual practice.

For our spiritual physical and mental health, it is important we keep searching for spiritual practices which fit 21st century thinking – this is the phase Marcus Borg called ‘post-critical naivete’.  One writer sees spiritual practice as about our relationships to ourselves, to others and the world.  Another sees spiritual practice as helping “heal our sense of separation and isolation, experience connection and community, and awaken a sense of responsibility for all beings.”  Social Justice which makes a difference is better if a vital spiritual practice underpins it.  (None of that sounds like the prescribed daily devotions I was taught as a child!)

Another way of thinking about spiritual practice relates to the picture above.  The effect of long term regular spiritual practice can be as if we are growing our roots deeper and deeper into the ground of life which is God.  The effect of it is that we go deeper into the depths of our psyche where the sacred centre of ourselves is, getting to know ourselves in a deeper, truer way.

That sounds more complicated than actual spiritual practice itself is!  Workshops on spiritual practice are being suggested for St Andrew’s.  If interested, please email me so I have the names of those who need to be contacted if there is enough interest. minsiter@standrews.org.nz.  If we are  21st century Christians our spiritual practice needs to keep updating too.

This week we are participating in a communal spiritual practice – the baptism of Amos Thomson.  Amos is Jon Schrader’s great-nephew.  We will be welcoming some of the Schrader clan back to St Andrew’s for the occasion.  Just over a month since Jon’s funeral service, it will be lovely to have a joyful event for us to meet again.   After the Gathering the Social Justice Education Group will hear Emeritus Prof. Peter Barrett speaking about Antarctica – his love for 50 years.

On Sunday afternoon, David Dobson, organist at Sacred Heart Cathedral will be giving an organ recital in the church at 3pm for the organ project.  Invite a friend!  Only $10 entry.  See you then.


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