February 18, 2018
We begin another the journey this Lent, with its own twists and turns
A journey when we are called to reflect, and walk with care
Why embark on such a journey when others are more alluring?
How will the journey stretch us, and place demands on us?
What will we need to have with us?
What will we take along with us and what will we leave behind?
PROCESSIONAL HYMN AA 156 ‘Where the road runs out’
Words and Music: © 1992 Colin Gibson
Where the road runs out and the signposts end,
where we come to the edge of today,
be the God of Abraham for us,
send us out upon our way.
Lord, you were our beginning,
the faith that gave us birth.
We look to you, our ending,
our hope for heaven and earth.
When the coast is left and we journey on
to the rim of the sky and the sea,
be the sailor’s friend, be the dolphin Christ
lead us in to eternity. Chorus
When the clouds are low and the wind is strong,
when tomorrow’s storm draws near,
be the spirit bird hovering overhead
who will take away our fear. Chorus
Kia ora tatou.
Kia ora.
LORD’S PRAYER (1 of 6 possible renderings of the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer)
O Divine Womb,
birthing forth the river of blessing which runs through all,
Soften the ground of our being,
and hallow in us a space for the planting of thy presence.
In our depths,
sow thy seed with its greening-power
that we might be midwives to thy Reign.
Then, let each of our actions
bear fruit in accordance with thy desire.
Impart to us the wisdom to bring forth the gifts of the earth
and share them daily according to the needs of each being,
And restore that which has been usurped
by injustice to its rightful owners,
as we restore to others that which is not our own.
Do not let us be seduced
by that which would divert us from our purpose,
but make us sensitive to the moment at hand.
For from thy fertile soil is born the creativity,
the life-energy, and the dance,
from birthing to birthing. Ameyn.
By Mark Hathaway and Neil Douglas -Klotz. Used with permission.
See their work on www.taoofliberatiohn.com and wwwabwoon.com
We send you to the Rainbow Room programme to hear stories, ask questions and have fun together.
We bless you. Amen.
Feel free to pass the peace with those nearby or move to greet others further away. Passing the peace consists of shaking hands and saying “Peace be with you.” The response is “Peace be with you” or just “And with you.” Or, simply saying ‘Hello” is a good idea. Also feel free to simply observe if you wish!
THE WORD IN TEXTS Valerie Rhodes
Hebrew Bible Exodus 12: 1-11
Gospel Luke 15: 11-20
Contemporary reading From “The Highest Intent of Tradition”
by Brian McLaren in Seeking Aliveness (Hachette Book Gp, NY., 2017)
If tradition could be compared to a road that began in the distant past and continues to the present, Jesus dares to propose that the road isn’t finished yet. To extend the road of tradition into the future – to fulfil its potential – we must first look back to discern its general direction. Then, informed by the past, we must look forward and dare to step beyond where the road currently ends, venturing off the map, so to speak. To stop where the road of tradition currently ends, Jesus realises, would actually end the adventure and bring the tradition to a standstill. So faithfulness doesn’t simply allow us to extend the tradition and seek to fulfil its unexplored potential; it requires us to do so.
For the Word in scripture,
for the Word among us,
for the Word within us,
we give thanks
REFLECTION ‘Packing for the journey’ Susan Jones
HYMN ‘The year is ever turning’
Words © Susan Jones. Tune Ewing WOV 346
The year is ever turning
Spring welcomes back the light
The heat of summer fades, then
In autumn birds take flight.
In winter, darkness closes
And temp'ratures grow chill,
Yet warmth will always be ours,
For love is primary still.
Among New Zealand's foothills
Our hearts are overcome,
The stars and planets tell us
creating's never done;
Aurora (the australis)
Streaks through the evening sky;
At this, and Spirit's myst'ry,
We question "How?" and "Why"?
In bright sunlight we wander
On hill and track and road;
Walking with one another
We carry each one's load;
The tussocks brush our ankles
The gradient tests our heart
The journey takes us onward
of cosmos, all are part.
OFFERING PRAYER (said together)
May these scraps of paper, bits of metal and cans of food serve as symbols of our deep desire for Love to transform our time, effort, and substance into works of creative compassion for each other, for our wider community, and for the world beyond, through this church.
So may it be, Amen.
Adapted from a prayer by James Burklo on
We recognise and bless the gifts brought to the table, and those which wing
their way electronically from our banks to the church’s account.
People share notices and visitors are welcomed. If you have a notice not already in the order of service, please move to the front row, ready to speak briefly from the lectern.
For the benefit of newcomers, please introduce yourself before you begin.
We think today of the people of Cote d'Ivoire and the Church of Christ – Harrist Mission. In New Zealand, we remember those in Parliament, and today we name Ron Mark and Tracey Martin, list MPs. Here in the Central Presbytery, we pray for the leaders and people of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Waipukurau.
HYMN AA 153 ‘When we lift our pack and go’
Words © 1992; Shirley Erena Murray
Music Leonard © 1992 Hope Publishing Co.
When we lift our pack and go,
when we seek another country,
moving far from all we know,
when we long to journey free --
Chorus: God is in the other place,
God is in another's face,
in the faith we travel by,
God is in the other place.
Through the loneliness of night,
through the sky's uncharted spaces
not a sparrow falls in flight
but a loving God will care -- Chorus
Sons and daughters must depart,
friends will go on other journeys,
only constant is the heart
that can trust its God to be -- Chorus
In the hands outstretched to greet,
through the open doors of strangers
there is love we yet can meet
and believe that Christ is there -- Chorus
THANK YOU Peter Franklin
our musician today