I love autumn. It brings back childhood memories of walks in the park and kicking through leaves, of driving under a long corridor of brilliantly coloured leaves in the Borders of Scotland, and as a northern hemisphere student, of burrowing in at the start of the academic year to read and think and learn.

In Upper Hutt where I live, the deciduous trees are changing colour and dropping their leaves. The Canadian Maple in my garden is lit up like a torch, almost blinding me when I opened the curtains on an otherwise grey day.

There’s a sadness, but a richness and beauty too about this time of year, an appreciation for what has been and what has blessed us, and a connecting with the deeper parts of ourselves.

“We give thanks for the harvest of the heart’s work;

seeds of faith planted with faith;

love nurtured by love;

courage strengthened by courage.

We give thanks for the fruits of the struggling soul,

the bitter and the sweet;

for that which has grown in adversity

and for that which has flourished in warmth and grace;

for the radiance of the spirit in autumn

and for that which must fade and die.

We are blessed and give thanks. Amen!”

–Michael Leunig, The Prayer Tree


I hope you can find some time this weekend to kick through some leaves, inhale the smells of autumn and snuggle up with a good book,


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